Mysql: max_allowed_packet

Replication and max_allowed_packet
max_allowed_packet sets an upper limit on the size of any single message between the MySQL server and clients, including replication slaves. If you are replicating large column values (such as might be found in TEXT or BLOB columns) and max_allowed_packet is too small on the master, the master fails with an error, and the slave shuts down the I/O thread. If max_allowed_packet is too small on the slave, this also causes the slave to stop the I/O thread.

Row-based replication currently sends all columns and column values for updated rows from the master to the slave, including values of columns that were not actually changed by the update. This means that, when you are replicating large column values using row-based replication, you must take care to set max_allowed_packet large enough to accommodate the largest row in any table to be replicated, even if you are replicating updates only, or you are inserting only relatively small values.

Linux Iptables apache 1


#  Allow all loopback (lo0) traffic and drop all traffic to 127/8 that doesn't use lo0
-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT

#  Accept all established inbound connections

#  Allow all outbound traffic - you can modify this to only allow certain traffic

#  Allow HTTP and HTTPS connections from anywhere (the normal ports for websites and SSL).
-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT

#  Allow SSH connections
#  The -dport number should be the same port number you set in sshd_config
-A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW --dport 22 -j ACCEPT

#  Allow ping
-A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT

#  Log iptables denied calls
-A INPUT -m limit --limit 5/min -j LOG --log-prefix "iptables denied: " --log-level 7

#  Drop all other inbound - default deny unless explicitly allowed policy


SKI Board/Shoes for newbie

Last year I had good time train Patrick SKI at St bruno,  he picked up quickly in 2 hours, and started building addict to ski at higher mountain.  this year we plan to expand it a bit.


1.  Season pass at Bromont, (why Bromont?  Higher, a little bit far, but  40 minutes driving acceptable for 4 hours plan.  have 5-6 beginer trail.)   20% discount when more than 4 tickets purchase at same time.

2. Goggles,   not really needed, but Patrick think it’s look so cool when saw it in Costco . 30$,  We bought it, later I astonished at sport expert shopping counter , the price range from 60$ to 300$.  I can’t really tell the difference. but happy for beginer like us have a Costco selling item. it looks fantastic.

3. SKI board and shoes:  Not going to buy it for 6 years boy, as he grow quickly. the length of ski board and shoe will soon not fit.   Renting price are around 90$, and some store have discount with group on

Policing Versus Shaping

Traffic policing propagates bursts. When the traffic rate reaches the configured maximum rate, excess traffic is dropped (or remarked). The result is an output rate that appears as a saw-tooth with crests and troughs. In contrast to policing, traffic shaping retains excess packets in a queue and then schedules the excess for later transmission over increments of time. The result of traffic shaping is a smoothed packet output rate.


he following table lists the differences between shaping and policing to help you choose the best solution.

Shaping Policing
Objective Buffer and queue excess packets above the committed rates. Drop (or remark) excess packets above the committed rates. Does not buffer.*
Token Refresh Rate Incremented at the start of a time interval. (Minimum number of intervals is required.) Continuous based on formula: 1 / committed information rate
Token Values Configured in bits per second. Configured in bytes.
Configuration Options
  • shape command in the modular quality of service command-line interface (MQC) to implement class-based shaping.
  • frame-relay traffic-shapecommand to implement Frame Relay Traffic Shaping (FRTS).
  • traffic-shapecommand to implement Generic Traffic Shaping (GTS).
  • police command in the MQC to implement class-based policing.
  • rate-limit command to implement committed access rate (CAR).
Applicable on Inbound No Yes
Applicable on Outbound Yes Yes
Bursts Controls bursts by smoothing the output rate over at least eight time intervals. Uses a leaky bucket to delay traffic, which achieves a smoothing effect. Propagates bursts. Does no smoothing.
Advantages Less likely to drop excess packets since excess packets are buffered. (Buffers packets up to the length of the queue. Drops may occur if excess traffic is sustained at high rates.) Typically avoids retransmissions due to dropped packets. Controls the output rate through packet drops. Avoids delays due to queuing.
Disadvantages Can introduce delay due to queuing, particularly deep queues. Drops excess packets (when configured), throttling TCP window sizes and reducing the overall output rate of affected traffic streams. Overly aggressive burst sizes may lead to excess packet drops and throttle the overall output rate, particularly with TCP-based flows.
Optional Packet Remarking No Yes (with legacy CAR feature).

browser caching control from server


ExpiresActive On
ExpiresByType text/html “access plus 1 seconds”
ExpiresByType image/gif “access plus 2 years”
ExpiresByType image/jpeg “access plus 2 years”
ExpiresByType image/png “access plus 2 years”
ExpiresByType text/css “access plus 2 years”
ExpiresByType text/javascript “access plus 2 years”
ExpiresByType application/x-javascript “access plus 2 years”
ExpiresByType image/ico “access plus 2 years”

ski ,bromont st bruno

st bruno

20 KM to south shore

Trail map

Vertical drop (134 m). Number of trails (15). Easy (5). Difficult (5). Very difficult (3). Extreme (2). Snow board facilities. Night time lighting (15). Snowmaking system (100 %). Iniski / Inisurf classes. Lifts (8). Triple  chairlifts (2). Quad  chairlifts (2). Surface lifts (4)

2013-10-25 0-21-24

bromont 80 km to south shore

trail map


2013-10-25 0-12-33



Ski Bromont  vertical drop 351m , longest run 1km